March 20, 2008

March 20, 2008

  • Kaufman Zoning Horsemeat, Common Horse Sense and Animals-Angels have all provided a link to the newly released report, Deleting the Fiction: Abandoned Horses-Part II. There is also a link on American Herds Equine Protection section. Click on each organizational name to access the report. To all the people that worked diligently to verify the claims of abandoned horses now running amok, THANK YOU for setting the record straight on the spin and propaganda bought by the pro-horse slaughter industry.
  • The Oregonian posted a story on 3/16 that has ominous sounds for the wild horse herds roaming Northwest Indian tribes reservations. Sounding very much like a cut-n-paste press release of anti-horse behaviors, one of the quotes includes, "They consume forage better used by elk, deer and bighorn sheep that tribal members hunt for food". I didn't know bighorn sheep were eaten by Indians, did you? Wonder what the wildlife/big game specialists who have poured hundreds of thousands of dollars in increasing big horn populations think of those trophy heads going only for dinner without the costly price to hunt them.... Click Here to learn more.
  • "Katie" posts a very lengthy, informative and factual article titled, "Why the Organizations Opposing the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act are Wrong" - a paper by Duane L. Burright. Worth a read. Click Here to learn more.
  • The News Virginian issues a standard type BLM press release of a wild horse and burro adoption seeking to place 70 animals at the Virginian Horse Center. However, a little added twist is thrown in this story as the article states "the range" can now only support 20,000", which happens to be about 7,500 less than the current National AML in all Western states. Sign of things to come? Click Here to learn more.
  • Press Release: A new book titled, "Mines, Minerals and Mustangs" is expected to be released April 10, 2008 in which it is described as a "....beautiful book [that] honors the mustang and is a treat to the eye". Click Here to learn more.
  • Dog Ear Diary does a quick overview of the book, "All The Wild Horses" by Dayton O. Hyde and hails the comparison of wild horses and their zebra cousins as well worth reading. Labeled a "beautiful book with absolutely stunning photography" 3/20/08. Click Here to learn more.
  • In an opinion piece from Science Alert, a view of Australia through a scientists eye as they explore the implications of introduced species to Australia, report on the almost sure extinction of the Tasmanian Devil due to man's influence and hail the positive outcome of equine flu spreading to Australia's wild brumby population. Some things never change though as the author notes that "Australian society-as evinced by the action (or lack thereof) of its representative governments-is far more concerned about economic issues than environmental ones". Big news there, huh? Click Here to learn more.
  • A story about the Wine of the Week christened "Wild Horse Pinot Noir" named so for the "dynamic spirit manifested in their constant exploration of wine grape varieties and wine making techniques". Click Here to learn more.

March 13, 2008

March 13, 2008

  • "Three-Hundred Wild Horses Spared from Canadian Slaughter Help Still Needed". The Native Times prints International Society for the Protection of Mustangs and Burros article written by Karen Sussman about the recent heroic efforts ISPMB has demonstrated as they saved 300 wild horses from slaughter. Click Here to learn more and help ISPMB in their ongoing efforts.
  • Maryland reporter Denise Koch does a report on America's "dirty little secret", aka sending America's horses to Canada and Mexico to be slaughtered for human consumption by foreigners. Includes video, a link to a previous story and a poll on just where you stand on the subject of the horse meat industry. Click Here to learn more.
  • American Horse Defense Funds blog, Hooflinks has posted a lot of great articles lately worth checking out. One is about what is going on in Asia to wild donkeys (WARNING! This is NOT pretty!), one is about how the beef recall is affecting horses, another about the economies impact to EVERYTHING, not just horses and there's even a report on how the anti-horse slaughter lobbying went in D.C. Check it out! Click Here to learn more.
  • Tuesday's Horse, a blog for the International Fund 4 Horses, reports on the SPCA seizing 100 starving horses from a Canadian ranch in Alberta. Click Here to learn more.
  • FORD Motor Company partnered with the Bureau of Land Management to create the Save the Mustangs fund. FORD reports it has raised $215k to help America's wild equines and is heavily involved in promoting the Extreme Mustang Makeovers. Click Here to learn more or donate to the Save the Mustang program.
  • The Bureau of Land Managements monthly Internet Website Adoption kicked off yesterday with 70 wild horses and burros available. There are 12 days left. Click Here to view horses or learn more.
  • Arizona Gold Prospectors Blog did a quick report on the issue of having to pay to drive OHV's on public lands and added a quick blurp about "It looks like there might be a run on the burro's again". American Herds is checking into just exactly what that means.... Click Here to read the article in full.
  • Northern Nevada author of the Phantom Stallion children's series will lead a three-day creative writing workshop and is limited to 30 seats. Click Here to learn more.
  • "Egyptian Tomb Holds First Known Domesticated Donkey" is the title and includes a photograph of the deceased donkeys that were volunteered to join their Pharaoh in the afterlife. Has a brief history of the ass evolution and some the controversies that surround it. Click Here to learn more.
  • The Mustang Diaries blog has various stories posted about horses and their training. Published by Desperate Horsewife looking for support for her involvement in the Mustang Makeover, a June 2007 post caught my eye. Labeled "Stolen Horses", Michelle reported that her two horses, one a mustang named Christmas Fire, were delivered to a trainer (Paul Heape-is there anything to a name?) on May 5th, 2007 and neither horses or trainer were ever heard from again! Something to keep in mind when you deliver your horses to someone you may not know very well......Will follow up on this story to see what happened as Michelle reported that Christmas Fire was still titled to the BLM when she disappeared with the Heape. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • Team Barbaro poses a fabulous question to the bold statement of Tracey Kessner issued in her letter titled, "The Horse Industry is in Peril". Click Here to read more.
  • Dog Ear Diary does its own write up on the book, "Wild Horses I Have Known" by Hope Ryden. Click Here to read the review.
  • An honest statement of "another shameless plug for my business" begins the tiny story titled, "Wild Horses Nuzzling" that states "several bans of feral horses have made their homes in the Badlands (North Dakota) since the 1800's." Wonder why they weren't protected by the 1971 Act? Click Here to view the "shameless plug" and the photo of the two wild horses nuzzling.

February 29, 2008

  • ALERT! ~ Patricia Fazio of the Wyoming Animal Welfare Network has recently issued an alert about a bill floating around the U.S. House, H.R. 767 - the Refuge Ecology Protection, Assistance, and Immediate Response Act, that aims to target the eradication of any species classified as a "harmful non-native" on federal wildlife refuges and private lands, potentially leaving hundreds of animal and plant species subject to wholesale slaughter, including wild horses and burros not protected under the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act.

Follow up on the bills status has revealed that it sailed through the House without opposition and now sits in the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works of which Senator Barbara Boxer of California is Chair. If passed, this bill could effectively be used on the Sheldon wild horses and burros and could have massive repercussions to wild horses and burros everywhere including all public land managed by National Park Service, United States Fish & Wildlife Service and of course state managed lands as well such as Big Bend State Park in Texas. Wild Horse & Burro advocates better pay attention to this or they may find themselves up a creek with no paddle!

The source of the alert comes from an organization called Alley Cat Allies as "feral cats" may also be targeted for elimination. Click Here to read their report and stay abreast of the latest developments and possible actions needed or check with The Library of Congress' website (Click Here) and type in the bill number in the search engine.
  • The Humane Society of the United States has posted their 2007 Congressional Scorecard on those who supported humane standards and animal rights. Click Here to see where your Representatives stand.
  • Read the Lovell Chronicles story on new film techniques being used to reveal the intimate world of the Pryor Mountain wild horses. Interview with Ginger Kathrens of the Cloud Foundation. Click Here to learn more.
  • Twenty-five horse trainers are needed for the Wyoming Mustang Challenge to be held in conjunction with the Wyoming State Fair on August 15-16. Click Here to learn more.
  • Team Barbaro of Wisconsin do a great job highlighting both the commitment and activism of Phantom Stallion author Terri Farley and her young fans dedicated to helping and saving horses everywhere. Click Here to learn more.
  • Rancher Steve Edwards works on breeding the Corolla wild horses due to grave concerns that this extremely pure strain of Spanish Mustang is being "managed to extinction" by the low population levels that have been established. Click Here to learn more.
  • "A Donkey's Tale" recounts the story of a local rural community getting hit by "urbanization" when a donkey's braying is determined by the courts to be a nuisance. Long-time residents were stunned and began to wonder what was next - peacocks? roosters? sheep? See what they are trying to do about it and how they are trying to preserve a fast disappearing way of life. Click Here to learn more.
  • While this article focuses on the recent exposure of the inhumane and dangerous slaughter practices uncovered recently by the Humane Society of the United States that included downer cows and the 143 million pounds of beef recalled, the statistics and quotes regarding the complete lack of sincere supervision - towards our food and the animals being used for it - echos many of the same truths exposed in the horse slaughter industry. Click Here to learn more.

February 27, 2008

February 27, 2008

  • Kentucky's Courier-Journal prints a story titled, "Kentucky's Unwanted Horses Crisis Spiraling" as they recant a story of epic crisis of unwanted horses and attempt to prove it by establishing an unwanted horse hotline. This same kind of story was printed back in March of 2007 titled, "Kentucky Overrun with Unwanted Horses" but real investigations into Kentucky's horse "problem" found absolutely no evidence or cases of unwanted horses throughout the entire state. Ernie Fletcher, Kentucky's Governor issued a letter that publicly stated that article was "filled with inaccurate statements and information" and Kentucky Congressman Ed Whitefield also publicly came forward stating NO ABANDONED HORSES were found in Kentucky. So I guess we are all going to have to remember the journalists who are putting their names to these unfounded stories do get paid. Now the only question is - by whom? Click Here to read the article in full then Click Here to read the truth about Kentucky's unwanted and abandoned horse population in this investigative report, "Deleting The Fiction", which proved every single story published over the last year turned out to be unsubstantiated and completely false.
  • Tuesday's Horse, the weekly publication for the International Fund For Horses, provides graphic videos and reports on a hotbed of abuse occuring in Colorados rodeo and veterinarian community. Citing it as a "blizzard of corruption", Tuesday's Horse shares a recently released video by SHARK (SHowing Animals Respect and Kindness) that graphically illustrates how Colorado treats their rodeo horses and just exactly who has been put in charge of maintaining "humane standards" to all animals. Includes a horrendous undercover video showing Dr. Maulsby attempting to break the neck of an tiny elk calf after slaughter workers refused to kill it and when this failed, Dr. Maulsby slits open the babies throat instead. For mature audiences only and even then, nobody should have to watch this kind of thing! Click Here to learn about the whole shocking expose and shame on Colorado!
  • Patricia Fazio of the Wyoming Animal Welfare Network has recently issued an alert about a bill floating around the U.S. House, H.R. 767 - the Refuge Ecology Protection, Assistance, and Immediate Response Act, that aims to target the erradication of any species classified as a "harmful non-native" on federal wildlife refuges and private lands, potentially leaving hundreds of animal and plant species subject to wholesale slaughter, including wild horses and burros not protected under the Wild Free-Roaming Horse and Burro Act. The source of the alert comes from an organization called Alley Cat Allies as "feral cats" may also be targeted for elimination. Click Here to read their report and stay abreast of the latest developments and possible actions needed or check with The Library of Congress' website (Click Here) and type in the bill number in the search engine.
  • Horse Talk provides an update on the development of wildlife contraception through darting fertility control drugs to excessive populations, which include deer, bison, elk and wild horses. Click Here to learn more.
  • A recent post by Elan Vacations of North Carolina provides a brief history of the Corolla wild horses and the increasing human encroachment that has threatened them to the point of almost vanishing. Click Here to learn more.
  • In "Wild Ponies Arrive At Aptos Horse Refuge", the history and journey of foals born to endangered wild herds is chronicled. Includes interviews with President Karen Sussman of the International Society of the Protection of Mustangs and Burros. Click Here to learn more.
  • ISPMB is also found urging support for the passage of the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act and recounts how America's wild horses and burros went from 2-3 million in the 1900's to merely 60,000. Karen Sussman states today that merely 23,000 wild horses and 4,000 wild burros still exist on public lands. Click Here to learn more.
  • "Saving Australia's Wild Horses From Slaughter" discusses the wild horse crisis in Australia and what one grandmother is doing to make a difference. Click Here to learn more.

February 20, 2008

February 20, 2008

  • The Animal Welfare Institute has issued an Alert requesting immediate public involvement to speak up for America's horses. The Illinois General Assembly is scheduled to vote on a bill that would ban the use of double-decker trailer horses are usually hauled in on their way to slaughter. Click Here to learn more and for contact information and let your voice be herd!
  • On February 11th, the Homes For Horses Coalition was launched and is dedicated to ending horse slaughter and other forms of equine abuse through a group of professionals working together to actively promote the welfare and protection of horses and other equines. A great research tool too! Click Here to learn more.
  • Writer Richard Marcus of BlogCritics has posted two stories on the plight of America's wild horses and burros. Starting with America's Wild Horses Under Threat and the recently posted, Protected Wild Burros In Danger of Extinction, which also provides an account of the recent killings of 71 burros in Big Bend State Park in Texas. He artfully weaves the Big Bend tragedy in with the plight of America's burros by recognizing Congress DID declare burros a protected species in America but Mr. Marcus has yet to realize the loophole that has allowed so many wild burros to be killed anyway - they are only "protected" under BLMs jurisdication. Click the titles to read each article.
  • The Nevada Appeal reports thirty-seven horses have now been released at the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, the results of several wild horse advocacy groups pulling together to make the 104,000 acres sanctuary a reality. Click Here to learn more.
  • The BLM has posted a "Drought Conditions" page that includes links to the Drought Information Services BLM uses in determining land use issues. An important link for the hard core researcher. Includes sections on livestock grazing, wildlife and projections for wild horse and burro removals due to "emergency conditions" in 2008. Click Here to learn more.

February 17, 2008

February 17, 2008

  • The New Mexico Senate has taken a step in the right direction as they voted unanimously to pass Senate Memorial 35 to establish a a wild horse park in Sandavol County. Led by Senator Komadina (R-Corrales), New Mexico believes that wild horses would make great ecotourism for New Mexico and they have begun to study the feasibility of getting one started on BLM lands near Placitas. Click Here to learn more.
  • Now through February 29, the Artists Co-Op Gallery located in Reno, Nevada is producing a a Wild Horse Art show where you can wander through a dream world for horse lovers. Everything from wall sized photos and paintings to original horse jewelry, lariat baskets featuring horsehair and turquoise, autographed copies of The Phantom Stallion and Wild Horse Island books and more is available now. The Wild Horse Co-Op located at 627 Mill St. - near Wells Avenue, will be donating a portion of its proceeds from book and art sales at the gallery to benefit Hidden Valley's horse protection fund. Call (775) 322-8896 for more information.
  • American Horse Defense Fund is growing and to help accomodate its success, they are providing a new toll free phone number to help their members reach them. Starting February 19th, 2008 the old phone number will no longer work (the one with a charge!) and you can reach them toll free at 1-866-956-AHDF (2433) and fax them at 1-866-676-9758.
  • Australia finds a prize winning race horse escaping to run wild with the local "brumbies" (what Australia calls wild horses) and the owners have posted a reward for his return. Click Here to learn more.
  • "Rescuing "brumbies" of Australia" again brings the spotlight on Australia's brutal policies of killing wild horses and burros and leaving them to suffer and die. One of the focuses is Jan Carter, grandmother and harpist turned horse rescuer as the founder of Save The Brumbies, who is dedicated to finding humane ways of dealing with Australia's 300,000 wild horses. Click Here to learn more.
  • "BLM Recommends Smaller Herd" reports on the ongoing Pryor Mountain wild horse issues.Click Here to learn more.
  • An inspirational story, "Roaming Free" about the Missouri Wild Horse Leagues successful efforts to STOP National Park Service in 1994 from completely zeroing out a historic herd in the Ozark National Scenic Riverways. Click Here to learn more.
  • Nevada Allocates Aid for Wild Horses (called feral in the article) for $59k to round up and feed about 100 horses roaming near Virginia City, Nevada. Click Here to learn more. The Nevada Appeal reports that $60,000 was approved for wild horse management of Nevada's Virginia "estrays" (wild horses under state jurisdiction) managed by the Department of Agriculture. Click Here to learn more.
  • Dr. Phil Sponenberg has become a specialist in identifying rare breeds of livestock brought to the Americas. Includes several wild horse groups including the Spanish mustang, Choctaw wild horses and Pine Tacky saddle horses in the deep South where only three have been discovered and indentified to date. States BLM consults with Dr. Sponenberg regarding Spanish mustangs within their care. Click Here to learn more.
  • "OBX Wild Horses Becoming More Endangered" reports that the Corolla and Shackleford herds, listed under The American Livestock Breed Conservancy, has been moved from the Threatened category into the Critical category. The next step on the list is extinction. The 89 and 110 wild horses, respectively, are being managed at such critically low levels that their ability to survive at all has become critical. Click Here to learn more.

February 8, 2008

February 8, 2008

  • The Lompoc Record published an emergency call by wild horse rescue, Return To Freedom, as a mare named Scout, one of 28 other horses that were rescued from the floor of Cavel's Illinois slaughterhouse, requires life-saving surgery due to a sudden emergency. Return To Freedom is requesting help in paying for this surgery that will save Scout's life. Click Here to read the article in full. To help with Scout's surgery, send any contribution to: Scout's Surgery -Return To Freedom, P.O. Box 926, Lompoc, CA 93436 or call (805) 737-9246 for debit or credit card donations. Scout thanks you for your love and support!
  • The Utah State University, Equine Teaching and Extension Team have just released a paper titled, "Effect of the Closing of the Horse Harvest Facilities on the Horse Industry" The paper examines 4 arguements against horse harvesting and leads the charge by frequently citing the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). The undergraduates who produced this paper also quotes an increase in abandoned horses as per the Associated Press and cites the cost of humanely euthanzing a horse can run upwards of $400, something they claim is "quite expensive" (ah...the college days, huh?). A low-income household is cited in this report as up to $75k with a household average of $50,000 with merely 25% of America's horse owners falling in this income category that the horse slaughter industry, or lack of it, is affecting. Other economic factors cited are loss of jobs in the previous three "horse harvesting facilities" (known to have high turn overs and immigrant workers), $26 million in economic loss and an additional $20-29 million in disposal costs. Brian Dees, President of the Georgia Equine Rescue League is quoted as stating, "the number of unwanted horses has gone through the roof, the number of request to take horse off a person's hands has gone up by as much as 5000 percent" (no source provided as to where Mr. Dees got this figure from) and "not having the harvesting facilities is one of the worst things that has happened to the U.S. horse industry." Many of the references and quotes taken to support the reinstatement of the horse slaughter industry are merely 30-60 days old with little evidence offered as to whether those involved in the study bothered to substantiate these statements. Despite using the majority of studies and quotes cited in the last 60 days, somehow the students fail to include the "Deleting The Fiction Report" released on 12/23/07 that provided real evidence that all abandoned horse reports had so far proven to be false. Also not considered was the Animal Welfare Press Release citing the AVMA was part of a coalition of companies that own the now defunct slaughter houses and has blocked every effort to pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act, nor was the Veternarians For Equine Welfare's press release "White Paper on Horse Slaughter", created to address misinformation being circulated by the American Veterinary Medical Association included in their examination of the issues. One other odd note - somehow the University fails to examine the fact that horse meat has a total lack of medication regulations that are applied to other "food-producing animals" despite their focus on the necessity of providing horse meat through horse harvesting for human consumption. The undergraduates conclude that the "facts" are haunting those that made the "wrong decision" as the industry and horses suffer everywhere.
  • A group of students at the University of Georgia, Speak Out For Species, hosts its annual film festival throughout February on various topics to help raise awareness for the plight of animals. They will showcase "Last of the Spanish Mustangs", an award winning powerful documentary by Len Johnson that highlights some of the most dramatic issues facing both what's left of America's wild horses, the agency in charge of protecting them and horse slaughter in America. A must see! To purchase your own copy of "Last of the Spanish Mustangs", Click Here for more information.
  • The Nokota Horse Conservancy, founded a decade ago, will provide four Nokota horses to initiate a breeding program in France due to the Francois Marchal families interest in the Nokota horses. The Nokota Horse Conservancy believes the horses are descendants of the last surviving wild horses in North Dakota and have been working to preserve them. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • Mona Jerome, founder of the Ever After Mustang Rescue shares stories of her adopted mustangs and the Rescue. Mona is the Maine State coordinator for the American Mustang and Burro Association and describes why she is so intent on saving America's wild horses. Click Here to read Mona's story titled, "No Way To Treat Proud Animals".
  • Ruben Villasenor has been selected as one of 50 horse trainers in the Extreme Mustang Makeover's next competition. Mr. Villasenor describes what the financial benefits of being selected are and as it turns out, probably not much! He's doing it he says because of concerns that wild mustangs not adopted end up at slaughter and has asked for help from the community to defray costs of the two months of training. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • The BLM is seeking bids for one or more new pasture facilities to care for and maintain wild horses. With over 70,000 wild horses and burros being removed from public lands in the last six years, there are now more wild horses and burro in containment centers than roam free on "their range". BLMs estimates that as many as 2,500 will continue to be removed annually. The solicitation for bids ends March 24, 2008. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • The BLM Forest Service has announced their new 2008 Grazing Schedule Fee still the same as 2007 - $1.35 per month to feed one cow and one calf on public lands. Click Here for more information.
The Bureau of Land Management is offering multiple adoptions for wild horses and burros at the following locations.

Ohio Expo Center - 70 wild horses and burros - February 16th and 17th, 2008.
Click Here for more information.

Warm Springs Correctional Facility, Nevada- 16 horses - February 9th, 2008. Click Here for more information.

Navarro County Expo, Corsicana Texas - 90 wild horses and burros - February 14th-16th, 2008. Click Here for more information.

Ridgecrest BLM Facility, CA - February 23, 2008. Click Here for more information.

February 3, 2008

February 3, 2008

  • BLM has announced the National Wild Horse & Burro Advisory Board will be meeting in Tuscon, AZ on February 25, 2008 at the Radisson Suites. Written public comments must be submitted by 2/15/08 to be considered. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • BLM in Ridgecrest CA will hold a wild horse and burro adoption event on Saturday, February 23, 2008. Click Here for full details.
  • BLM announces an adoption in Corsicana Texas starting with a preview day on 2/14/08 through 2/16/08. Again we find that an adopter can apply and gain approval to load up a wild horse or burro the day of the adoption event without BLM personnel checking out the adopters facilities to determine if they meet the legal requirements. Click Here to view the article in full.
  • An interview with National Park Ranger Rachelle Daigneault, provides information and insight about the Assateague Island ponies and their wild free-roaming state. Click Here to read the article in full.

January 30, 2008

January 30, 2008

  • Peaceful Valley Donkey Rescue is asking Minnesotans and midwesterners to adopt abused and neglected domestic donkeys and wild burros as they report having more than 1,000 being kept in sanctuaries across the west. Click Here to read the article in full to see if you can help.
  • Yesterday the owners of Barbaro announced they will make his final resting place Churchill Downs. Barbaro's was the winner of the 2006 Kentucky Derby and survived a horrific breakdown at the Preakness in May 2006. After a lengthy battle with laminitis, Barbaro was euthanized and cremated last year. Click Here for full article.
  • Tuesday's Horse, a blog from the International Fund 4 Horses, has an interesting article titled Cattlemen Fight Horse Slaughter Ban. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • The BLM is seeking bids for one or more new pasture facilities to care for and maintain wild horses. With over 70,000 wild horses and burros being removed from public lands in the last six years, there are now more wild horses and burro in containment centers than roam free on "their range". BLMs estimates that as many as 2,500 will continue to be removed annually. The solicitation for bids ends March 24, 2008. Click Here to read the article in full.

January 27, 2008

January 27, 2008

  • Help needed in rescuing horses. Oklahoma Land and Timber Company (formerly Mississippi Land and Timber) has without warning terminated the grazing leases on Blackjack Mountain near Finley, Oklahoma. These Spanish Mustangs have to be removed by February 29, 2008. The problem is that the company (which has recently purchased the land) had previously agreed to extend the leases (contract in writing) and has since broken their word. Unfortunately, they not only canceled the lease without notice but they have ALREADY begun spraying the one and a half million acres with chemicals in order to kill the ground vegetation and sterilize the land for the next two years (except for the timber company's pine seedlings). These straight Spanish Mustangs (Spanish Colonials) are eligible for registration with the Southwest Spanish Mustang Association and probably with the HOA (Horse of the Americas). Included in the large number of horses is a small number of purebred Choctaw and Cherokee Indian Ponies. As such, there are less than 200 of these living legacies of the "Trail of Tears" remaining in the world. Also it should be noted that this is the herd that Frank Hopkins's Hidalgo was released into at the end of both the movie Hidalgo and in real life. These horses are also the legacy of the late Gilbert Jones' preservation activities. Can we let this rare resource and piece of our National heritage perish? I surely hope not. If you are interested in knowing more about this situation, please contact, Bryant Rickman at 580-743-1991.

    As a side note, David and I were at Bryant's ranch and at the Gilbert Jones' Medicine Springs Ranch this weekend. There are approximately 150 horses needing to be removed from the mountain. Unfortunately, Rickman was not able to obtain an exact number due to the horses being deeply spooked and scared by the helicopter and planes dropping the herbicides. As such, there is also deep worry concerning the safety of the chemicals which has now contaminated the horses' water and food resources. Needless to say, the situation is dire. If you cannot reach Bryant, please feel free to call David or I at 479-696-9677 and we can relay the messages to Bryant. American Herds does not know the history of this situation nor is this announcement to be construed as an endorsement. It is offered merely to be supportive and offer exposure for those who aim to help American horses - the reader is encouraged to contact those listed for further information.
  • Heaven's Gateway Horse Rescue and founder, Jan Ferguson, has put a call out for help through donations - whatever you can spare - to keep their rescued horses and the Rescue afloat. Contact Heaven's Gateway Horse Rescue at: P.O. Box 163 -Howard, CO 81233 Phone: (719) 371-0265 or 942-3712. American Herds does not know the history of this Rescue nor is this announcement to be construed as an endorsement. It is offered merely to be supportive and offer exposure for those who aim to help American horses - the reader is encouraged to contact the Rescue for further information.
  • The Animal Welfare Institute has issued a press release stating the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA) has been lobbying Congress to block passage of the Horse Slaughter Prevention Act and is claiming the AVMA has been directly responsible for promoting the suffering of American horses and is part of a coalition founded by the companies that own the defunct domestic slaughterhouses which are now exporting horses to Mexico and Canada for slaughter. Click Here to read the full article.
  • Toby Keith's voice has now been added to those who are urging Congress to finally pass the American Horse Slaughter Prevention Act to protect America's horses. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • The BLM has confiscated 200 horses from an American Indian and his son who they say have been grazing the animals without a permit near the Nevada-Oregon line. This follows after a similar impoundment of 123 cattle near Winnemucca, Nevada on Monday. Click Here to read the full article.
  • Western Horseman Magazine and author Jennifer Denison offer a hard-to-find enjoyable article entitled "In Search of Wild Horses" as the New Mexico desert is explored and bands of wild horses are sought. Click Here to view the full article.
  • Reno Gazette Journal posts a story of how Nevada is home to the largest population of wild horses in the United States. Mostly it is a BLM press release for an upcoming adoption at the Warm Springs Correctional Facility in Carson City on 2/10/08. Click Here to read the article in full and stop by to leave a comment!
  • BLM is also seeking more bids for anyone who can take the mass of wild horses and burros they have been so diligently and continuously removing from public lands. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • Canadian legislation has passed an amendment to clear up any confusion about what methods are banned for the capture of wild horses in changes to the provincial Stray Animals Act. Click Here to view the article in full.
  • The Daily Astorian publishes an article titled, "A Seaside Horse-Owner Convicted of Neglect In October, Won't Spend Any Time Behind Bars" but fails to report anything about the case at all in what appears to be a "seaside shell game of facts". This was noted by the only person who commented on the article as they complained that it was devoid of any reporting at all! Click Here to view the article in full.
  • Documentary entitled "What About The Horse?" Questions public awareness on the wide array of issues that threaten American horses. A well written summary of many of the current issues with a good dose of statistics and facts. Click Here to view the article in full.
  • Darla Clark of Strawberry Mountain Mustang Rescue and Susan Pohlman of Whispering Winds Mustang Ranch are featured in this story about saving horses from abuse, neglect and slaughter. Click Here to read the article in full.
  • Equines Unlimited, a blog by Laura Bell, posts a story titled, "Why the Eradication of Mustangs and Burros Affect Us All". Click Here to read the article in full.

January 19, 2008

January 19, 2008

  • The Humane Society of the United States has asked all of us to speak out and up for America's horses by urging everyone to participate in the National Call In Day For Horses on Tuesday, January 22, 2008. PLEASE everyone participate and let your voice be HERD! For more information and dowloadable flyers, Click Here to read the issues and how you can help!
  • Nevada Department of Agriculture's Executive Director Donna Rise issued a statement that involved a courteous correction of NDA's position on the recent announcement of a draft cooperative agreement being worked out for Virginia Range wild horses and the Tahoe Reno Industrial Center. Director Rise felt state veterinarian Dr. Anette Rink statements in a previously published article did not accurately reflect NDA's position - one of willingness to work towards a plan to support a viable herd and habitat for the historic Virginia Range herds.
  • The American Chronical presents a brutally descriptive article about horse slaughter and animal cruelty of a staggering variety with musings on the psychological damages to both individuals and societies as a whole.
  • In yet another old familiar scene being played out to the tune of "can't make up their mind", an article by the AFP titled, "Kill all wild horses in Australian national park: environmentalists", those reporting on the "crisis" of wild horses to the native habitat just can't seem to make up their minds about WHAT those impacts are. First the article reports that 1,700 wild horses, known as "brumbies" in Australia, have cause HAVOC in Kosciuszko National Park! Then officials go on to state that "It is a very undisturbed. It is a very intact ecosytem". So which is it?
  • Award winning author Deanne Stillman has proudly announced the release of "Mustangs: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West" available for pre-order at Amazon and is due out in June 2008. Deanne has been compiling information, stories and facts to create this accounting of our wild horses for almost 10 years. We are all eagerly anticipating its arrival! Thank you Deanne!!!! You can place your order now at:

January 16, 2008

January 16, 2008

  • The United States Human Society has provided an easy way to urge America's Senators to QUIT STALLING and get on reversing the Burns Amendment that stripped the last remaining protections from slaughter from America's wild horses and burros. Click Here to be herd!
  • Tuesday's Horse, a blog for the International Fund 4 Horses posted an article titled The Horse On The Hill, which details smear campaigns and misinformation running rampant in our major media sources bought with the blood money of slaughtered horses. Unable to get letters published that provide evidence to refute the slaughter industries frenzied PR campaigns, reporters are hanging up because they don't want to hear anything but what they have been paid to say (my words, not theirs!). The author counters with a reminder that January 22, 2008 is National Call In Day for Horses where the people have the opportunity to let our representatives know we have not been bought and want the slaughter of America's horses stopped, here or across the borders! Click Here for complete details on how you can help!!!
  • Australians are getting ready to defend their wild horses with their lives! Spokesperson Peter Cochran for the Bush Users Groups stated, "We're left with no choice. This is a government which takes absolutely no notice of the people...." Click Here to read the full story.
  • The Nevada Appeal has published an article about a new plan between a group of wild horse advocates and an industrial park owner intending to provide a "habitat management project" for about 450 of the Virginia Range wild horses. Click Here to read the full story.
  • An article posted by The Times presents conflicting numbers and information on the National Wild Horse & Burro Program. First it says tens of thousands of mustangs roam freely on public lands, then it says thousands of removed animals are available each year, then it finally gets it right by reporting that free-roaming horses have disappeared for six states and fewer than 25,000 still remain on public lands. It finishes with a complete error by reporting that Montana, not Wyoming has "other significant populations".
  • The World Wildlife News has posted American Wild Horse Preservation Campaigns Action Alert on the need for public input for BLMs management plans for a rare herd of wild pinto burros in Utah due on or before January 23, 2008. Click Here to read the full article.
  • KOLO-8 News reported on the January 11, 2008 meeting of the Nevada Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses but ya wouldn't know it from the way the article is written! It begins with a quote from Allen Biaggi, Nevada's State Director for the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, who oversees nine different departments in Nevada and the Nevada Commission for the Preservation of Wild Horses is one of them. Now becoming the spokesperson for the Commission instead of the Commission itself, Director Biaggi testified that Nevada could sue the feds for more money to "manage" wild horse herds. (my emphasis) Translation - removing them since that seems to be the only real "management" that has gone on in Nevada for years! This bright idea was started when Wyoming sued BLM and came to a consent agreement (totally illegal by BLM owns regulations!) to manage wild horses at some number pulled out of a hat for convenience sake, not because this was the population the range could support. Every since, Nevada has been salivating over the idea with Nevada's Wildlife Commissioners leading the way on threatening to bring lawsuits against BLM on several occasions since. Apparently, the Wild Horse Commission is jumping on board too. Click Here to read the full article.
  • Return To Freedom was the big winner in the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Equine Fund grantees as they were awarded a $300,000 three-year sponsorship to expand educations and outreach programs supporting their conservation efforts. Click Here to see the full article and ASPCA's other grant recipients.
  • "Mustang Blue" posts on the Save Our Mustangs My Space about the wild horse removals conducted in Wyoming in November. Click Here to read the full article.
  • About 70 wild horses and burros will be available for adoption in Mobile, Alabama from January 18th through the 20th. Click Here to view full article.
  • Award winning author Deanne Stillman has proudly announced the release of "Mustangs: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West" available for pre-order at Amazon and is due out in June 2008. Deanne has been compiling information, stories and facts to create this accounting of our wild horses for almost 10 years. We are all eagerly anticipating its arrival! Thank you Deanne!!!! You can place your order now at:
  • The Bureau of Land Management in Utah has bombarded the public with FIVE Draft Management Plans for establishing how public lands will be managed within the next 10-20 years. These plans will become the guiding foundation for HOW Utah's wild horse and burro herds will be administered and grant BLM the future authority of what they do to those herds. Land use plans are huge documents that require hours of study of BLMs proposals. Posting five of them all within the same few months is yet another effort by land managers to overwhelm the public and consequently, discourage public awareness, participation and involvement.

    To access ALL currently proposed Draft Management Plans, go to:
  • Moab Draft Management Plan - Public Comments - Closed
  • Vernal Draft Management Plan -Supplemental - Public Input Due by January 3, 2008 Public Comments - Closed
  • Kanab Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by January 10, 2008 - No Wild Horse or Burro HMAs are in this planning area.
  • Richfield Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by January 23, 2008
  • Monticello Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by February 8, 2008

January 11, 2008

January 11, 2008

  • Participate in a limited time poll that wants to know if you are in favor of H.R. 503, To amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit horses from being shipped to slaughter and S. 311, A bill to amend the Horse Protection Act to prohibit horses from being shipped to slaughter. Click provide links so you can be herd!
  • Veternarians For Equine Welfare has issued a press release titled, VEW Releases White Paper on Horse Slaughter. The white paper was created to address misinformation being circulated by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVM) and other organizations opposing a potential ban on horse slaughter in the US and exportation of horses to slaughter. The VFW press release also has a link to the white paper titled, "Horse Slaughter - Its Ethical Impact and Subsequent Response of the Veterinary Profession." Click Here to view article and links.
  • International Fund 4 Horses blog, Tuesdays Horse, grants this weeks "Horse Dung Award" to presidential candidate Mike Huckabee for admitting to both eating and enjoying horsemeat.Click Here to read the review.
  • A story about "wild horses" in Ethiopia in danger of extinction. Totaling a mere 11 remaining, the article states that the Ethiopian wild horses are truly wild because they have never been domesticated and have roamed the Kundido Mountains for at least 200 years! These guys should talk to our "wildlife experts" who deny America's wild horse status even if they have been documented as "undomesticated" for 400 years! Click Here to read the complete story.
  • Your Compassion is Suspect is the name of the article and the author tries to wake people up to the fact that their meat based diets are causing untold havoc on wildlife and the ecosystems. What is unusual is wild horses are included in the wildlife as well as the author providing a link to the story, Amerian Mustangs Killed To Make Room For Cattle Grazing. Click Here to view full article.
  • A BLM Memo dated from 2003 roled in that details the priorities and organization of removing wild horses in Wyoming. Click Here to view Memo WY-2003-035.
  • About 70 wild horses and burros will be available for adoption in Mobile, Alabama from January 18th through the 20th. Click Here to view full article.
  • Award winning author Deanne Stillman has proudly announced the release of "Mustangs: The Saga of the Wild Horse in the American West" available for pre-order at Amazon and is due out in June 2008. Deanne has been compiling information, stories and facts to create this accounting of our wild horses for almost 10 years. We are all eagerly anticipating its arrival! Thank you Deanne!!!! You can place your order now at:
  • The Bureau of Land Management in Utah has bombarded the public with FIVE Draft Management Plans for establishing how public lands will be managed within the next 10-20 years. These plans will become the guiding foundation for HOW Utahs wild horse and burro herds will be administered and grant BLM the future authority of what they do to those herds. Land use plans are huge documents that require hours of study of BLMs proposals. Posting five of them all within the same few months is yet another effort by land managers to overwhelm the public and consequently, discourage public awareness, participation and involvement.

To access ALL currently proposed Draft Management Plans, go to:

Moab Draft Management Plan - Public Comments - Closed
Vernal Draft Management Plan -Supplemental - Public Input Due by January 3, 2008 Public Comments Now Closed
Kanab Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by January 10, 2008No Wild Horse or Burros HMAs are in this planning area.
Richfield Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by January 23, 2008
Monticello Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by February 8, 2008

January 5, 2008

January 5, 2008

To access ALL currently proposed Draft Management Plans, go to:

Moab Draft Management Plan - Public Comments - Closed
Vernal Draft Management Plan -Supplemental - Public Input Due by January 3, 2008
Public Comments Now Closed
Kanab Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by January 10, 2008
No Wild Horse or Burros HMAs are in this planning area.
Richfield Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by January 26, 2008
Monticello Draft Management Plan - Public Input Due by February 8, 2008